Wayne Dyer Quote Poems

All of these Wayne Dyer quote poems use one of his wonderful quotes as the title and theme for each poem. The poems are all written by myself, Trina Graves.

One of the most well-known Spiritual teachers of our time, Wayne Dyer has left us his legacy of many inspirational books, talks, videos and films. Wayne is one of my favourite authors and speakers (he had such a beautiful soothing tone to his voice), and with so many wonderful words of wisdom he is an obvious choice for me to create some quote poems.

Read many more of Wayne Dyer’s quotes on his page. There is also a page of tributes to him from many people, when he died in 2015.

Spiritual Quotes To Live By

 Wayne Dyer Quote Poems
Change The Way You Look At Things,
& The Things You Look At Change 

No matter what you look upon
Whether physical or not
Your thoughts and beliefs have control
And show you what you’ve got

Do you look at your past with regret
Wishing you’d done so much more?
Or do you look back with understanding
Knowing expansion’s what you came for?

Do you worry about your future life?
There’s so much in the world to hate
Or do you view the world you see
With abundance of beauty to appreciate?

Do you spend your time each day
Rushing from here to there?
Or do you do your best to live
Mindful of the moments you share

Walking with Mother Nature in your view
So much can be seen as all the same
But open your eyes and heart to reveal
Nature’s awesomeness in every frame

Relationships come, but they can go
Leaving us lost and maybe in a rage
But every relationship teaches us more
About life as we let go and turn the page

Parents, Teachers, Employers, Spouse
Throughout life many have us under their control
Or do they just influence our attitude
As we are free to choose our own role

When a loved one passes on in death
We can grieve greatly and shed many a tear
Or choose to focus on all the love we shared
Knowing full-well they are always near

The Law of Attraction rules our world
With our every thought we do create
Whatever you put your attention on
Returns to you, it will always cooperate

Whatever experiences we face in life
Improvement we can always arrange
Change The Way You Look At Things
And The Things You Look At Change

Trina Graves – 27th November 2016

Spiritual Quotes To Live By

 Wayne Dyer Quote Poems
Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You 

You came here with a message
You came here with a plan
Somehow you would contribute
To elevate your fellow man
Everyone of us is unique
No two are ever the same
Your exclusive inner calling
Is your Souls indelible aim…

Music touches everyone’s Soul
In so many different ways
Relaxing, enlivening, provoking thoughts
Bringing emotions to everyone’s days
If composing or playing music
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You

Books are an unlimited way
To share, teach and inspire
Enabling the use of imagination
They aid to focus your desire
If eloquence through the written word
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Book Still In You

Art has an abundance of forms
To push your creativity
Whether the artist or the viewer
There’s more going on than what you see
If expressing yourself through art
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Art Still In You

Performers delight us all
In the myriad of ways they choose
Entertaining on stage or screen
Audiences are enthralled whatever they use
If sparkling on centre-stage
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Performance Still In You

Websites and Apps are relatively new
Communications that exponentially grow
Transmitting to the entire world
Positive energy can ultimately flow
If lighting-up through the network
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Website Still In You

Speeches can be timeless
Simple words touching eternity
Enthusiastic depth of feeling
Give hope, strength and clarity
If articulate public speaking
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Speeches Still In You

Inventions change the world
The Universe will eternally expand
Ingenious minds can create great things
When placing their vision in their hand
If creating inspired ways to help others
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your In
vention Still In You

Charity affects all humanity
A kind, giving nature shows a pure Soul
Working tirelessly, even behind the scenes
Contributes benefits to the Whole
If supporting with your time and assistance
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Charity Still In You

Healing is a Divine offering
Coming through an abundance of ways
A doctor or nurse in modern medicine
Or a channeller of Spiritual Rays
If nurturing health and well-being
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Healing Still In You

Charismatic people can shine through
Life’s challenges, doubts and fears
Their presence influences others
To be optimistic and wipe away tears
If radiating positive joy
Is what you came here to do
Share your passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Charisma Still In You

Love is the greatest blessing 
To give and to receive
Above all else it is the one true gift
That survives us when we leave
No matter the other reasons
Love Is always what you came here to do
Share your true passion with the world
Don’t Die With Your Love Still In You

Trina Graves – 9th November 2016

Don't Die With Your Music Still In You - Inspirational poem by Trina Graves using quote from Wayne Dyer as title and theme - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Loving People Live In A Loving World.
Hostile People Live In A Hostile World.
But, It’s The Same World. 

 Wayne Dyer Quote Poems
It’s The Same World 

What is your view of the world
Do you think it’s a terrible place?
Full of hostility, dangerous crime
Neglect, greed and waste

Or do you see the true Light
That shines everywhere around?
Strangers are just friends, not met
Love in all, can always be found

Why do some people live in fear
Always worried of things they dread?
Yet others bless each new day
Giving thanks for all that’s ahead

What you focus on you will see
In your world each and everyday
All your experiences you bring forth
In what you think, do and say

In truth negativity has to exist
For positive to show the way
Free-will is given to all
You choose the path you lay

Everyone has negativity and doubt
Much instilled when they were young
Layers built through the generations
Enveloping since their life begun

Topped up with spoon-fed lack
Materialism, aggression and fear
A them-verses-us life attitude
Ensnares all who don’t steer clear

Thoughts and beliefs are the key
To unlock your perception door
What you expect you will see
Ingrained ‘truths’ permeate your core

Your world is an extension of your beliefs
Projected for you to experience and grow
If you’re not happy with what you see 
Change your thought-channel for a new show

Intention powers resolution
When improvement of Being is sought
No matter the depth of a belief
Everyone can change a thought

To keep positive in this world
You have to remain aware
Of what you feed your mind
And whose company you share

Feed yourself Love and Light
Through all your senses each day
Steer away from the opposite
And in Source-alignment you’ll play

To live in a world full of Love
With beautiful sights everywhere
Use your heart as your eyes
And God’s view you will share

Trina Graves – 20th October 2018

grandsons Joey & Seth
Spiritual Quotes To Live By

 Wayne Dyer Quote Poems
Let Them Follow Their Own Compass 

A baby contains an inherent, infinite Light
That shines so brightly from it’s Soul
Vividly luminous with Source Energy
We’re captivated, adoring beyond control

Time advances, the baby becomes a child
The Divine illumination begins to dim
Their link to Source has been shadowed
By the negativity they have taken in

As the child goes out into the big-wide world
School and society’s control gets a strong-hold
‘Bright Sparks’ may seem to be encouraged
But they too, must fit into the defined mould

Adolescence then adulthood urges onwards
By now most Inner Lights have been blocked
Conforming to everyone, but not their own desires
Keeps the door to their Soul firmly locked

But remember, there is nothing wrong about this
We planned our whole journey right from the start
By learning to follow our own Inner Guidance in life
We would retrieve the Light through our heart

One of life’s immense joys is parenthood
Overwhelming gifts this path can bring
Unconditional love its purest treasure
Lifting the Spirit, the Soul will truly sing

Whatever path we choose to take
No one else will be on the same
It’s so important to remember this
When focusing on your child’s aim

The Light inside them is also a compass
It can guide them their whole life through
Teaching them to choose right from wrong
Inner Guidance is always clear in what to do

Their Light Compass will always be there
If ever they have any troubles or doubt
What to do about it, which path to take
Their Inspiring Light will always shine out

Learning to use and trust their intuition
Connecting to their own Source Energy Light
Is the greatest blessing you can ever give them
And by example is the only way to teach it right

Trina Graves – 5th December 2016

(top) Joey & Tyler (bottom) Sophie
Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Radiate An Energy Of Serenity And Peace, So That You Have An Uplifting Effect On Those You Come Into Contact With.

 Wayne Dyer Quote Poems
Radiate An Energy Of Serenity & Peace 

We all radiate our energy
Although our eyes do not see
Its presence, everywhere we go
Is yours dull, or do you glow?

When you walk into a room
You can sense the joy or gloom
From whoever is there inside
Energy shows, it cannot hide

Someone might be feeling sad
Or stirred to anger, getting mad
If you’re not conscious of your flow
Negative vibes in you can grow

But, you don’t have to let it be
Your thoughts and feelings set you free
Focus on Love and Joy always
Your energy, true and pure, will raise

You will then radiate and give
Upliftment to all those you’re with
Serenity and peace glow from you
In all you say, and all you do

Infuse yourself in Love and Light
Be a beacon burning bright
Radiate, Illuminate, Sparkle, Shine
At one with all, Spirit Divine

Trina Graves – 12th November 2017

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